Tuesday, September 26, 2006

it's never smooth sailing

i have never admitted that life can be a smooth sailing affair for everyone. no matter how long your achievement list is and how proud you are of them, there is some point in your life you feel like shit, trash and escaping from everything. this is what i called the "tough period". so now, you should start asking yourself, HOW?

i have not been in a good mood these few days. the slightest thing can piss me off and i am still pissed with something! forget about it, i am just being a childish and illogical person here. i try not to affect the others with my foul mood. but how? keep the positive energy high! it's the time when it is important to learn a surviving skill called self-psycho. you just have to keep convincing yourself that everything will be fine, nothing is going to get on your nerves, you have everything under control, it is not as bad as what you think and you will ultimately pull through all the crap. the bottom line is to stay positive.

however, there are times when you feel like you have no more energy to be optimistic and everything you are doing now is WRONG! so what now? it is a sign that it's time to take a break. afterall it is the quality and not the quantity that matters. take a breather and let your over-worked brain rest. maybe you will be able to find a more suitable solution after that. just leave your work desk, go out of the room, take a walk anywhere and breathe. on days when you feel rich, go down to some eating place to eat because eating makes me happy so i hope it will work for most too. or just go and sweat it out! it produces some chemicals in your body that makes you happy. so why are you still staring at the screen?

it is the recess aka team break for me now. it is not exactly holidays because i have to prepare for 2 class tests which are after the break, and my critical thinking position paper. i thought saving the whales is hard enough but IR is even harder. =(

stay positive friends!

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